The Rise of Aluminium Windows and Doors

If you thought aluminium was all about bi-fold doors then you could be missing out on the rise of domestic and commercial aluminium windows and doors.

The huge growth in wide span doors has sparked a big increase in the sales of aluminium windows and doors with more homeowners attracted by the slim frames and contemporary design as an alternative to PVCu windows and doors.

 Our aluminium window and door factory in Farlington, Portsmouth is also busy with commercial aluminium windows and local businesses – installing aluminium shopfronts, windows and doors.

Aluminium Windows & Doors Hampshire

WindowWarehouse in Portsmouth offer a fast order turnaround across our big range of aluminium windows, doors and bi-fold doors. And because we only sell to the trade we have all the support you need to sell, specify and order the right products for the job. Our technical team will advise you on the products and run through all the options with you.

Trade aluminium windows and doors made in Portsmouth

We manufacture everything at our Farlington factory and hold large stocks so we can complete your order on shorter lead times.

aluminium windows

A hand with your marketing

We’ve also made it easier for you to take advantage of the big growth in aluminium with practical marketing support. Let us know if you need brochures or a window sample.

alu windows

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